Saturday, July 11, 2009

Snow Leopard

If you haven't been down to the Lasko Gallery you should drop by on a Friday. I'll show you some of my latest watercolors. The Gallery is at 113 N. Tejon in Colorado Springs, across from Old Chicago if you know where that is.

It was nice to meet artists Kurt Isgreen and later Steve Clement today. Both truely notable and accomplished painters.

A lot of people don't know that I love to create some pretty detailed drawings. Recently I'd completed probably my most ambitious drawing to date, "The King of Nepal." It is a depiction of Kubla the male Snow Leopard at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

The drawing measures 40" in length and took me a month to complete.

I've entered it in the "The Art of Conservation - An International Exhibition of Nature in Art" to be hosted by the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum in New York. I'm very proud to say that it was accepted and will be part of the show this September 16th through December 20th. Needless to say I'm just a little excited.

If the drawing sells at the Art of Conservation show a full 25% of the sale price will go to the Wildlife Conservation Society. Just too cool.